The mango tree encyclopedia / supervision, Nasr bin Hamood Al Kindi ; executive committee, Mahmood bin Bader bin Salim Al Abri ...(et al) ; editorial assistance, Majid bin Nasser bin Saoud Al Dighaishi ... (et al). - Hildesheim : Georg Olms AG, 2015. - 6 volumes in 11 : color illustrations ; 34 cm

The library has only volume 4.1 and volume 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 .

volume 1. Mango production in the Sultanate of Oman -- volume 2. Mango production and utilization (2 vols.) -- volume 3. Mango pests and diseases -- volume 4. Mango production around the world (2 vols.) -- volume 5. Mango variety around the world (4 vols.) -- Index.

Translated from Arabic.

9789996901164 (standard edition) 9789996901041 (luxury edition)

Mango---- Encyclopedias.

SB379.M2 / . M39 2015