Writing academic English /
Academic English
Alice Oshima, Ann Hogue.
- 3rd ed.
- White Plains, NY : Longman, c1999.
- xii, 269 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Includes index. Accompanied by Answer key.
This best-selling series takes the mystery out of the composition process as it helps college-bound and college-level ESL students quickly improve their ability to write effectively in English. Addressing organization, rhetoric, grammar and mechanics, and sentence structure, these texts offer clear steps, numerous models, and many opportunities for writing practice. Features include: -- Extensive practice in prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. -- Clear, step-by-step approach to the conventions of paragraph and essay organization and rhetorical expression. -- Rigorous development of sentence structure, grammar, and mechanical skills. -- Extensive appendices with relevant reference materials for students and teachers. Teaches students academic writing skills such as simple outlining, parts of the basic essay, and patterns of organization. The new edition features: -- Cross-reference boxes directing students to relevant topics in other sections of the book. -- Computer tips boxes to suggest ways to use computers in writing. -- New opening illustrations and more charts! Peer editing checklists end most chapters, and each chapter has a review section with writing and editing exercises.
0201340542 0201670283 (Answer key)
Academic writing Report writing English language--Rhetoric English language--Grammar English language