Handbook of Theory for Practice Teachers in Social Work / edited by Joyce Lishman. - London : J. Kingsley, 1991. - 236 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

Part 1 Models of understanding human development: attachment theory, Jane Aldgate; life stages theory, Alastair Gibson; psychodynamic approach, Judith Brearley; structural/conflict models, Ann Davis; loss and bereavement, Gerard Rochford; contributions from other disciplines to social work, Pauline Hardiker. Part 2 Models of social work intervention: behavioural, Barbara Hudson; crisis theory, Kieran O'Hagan; task centred, Peter Marsh; counselling - cognitive, Windy Dryden, psychodynamic, Michael Jacobs; community social work, Stuart Watts; life space work, Colin Keenan.

As part of the general move towards accreditation and greater professionalism, practice teachers (supervisors) will from now on have to be accredited and undergo some training and practice teaching. This handbook has been commissioned to provide the theoretical base that practice teachers will need. It provides a summary of the theory underlying models of understanding human development and behaviour, and of models of social work intervention. Because of its combination of theory and practice it should be of equal use to social students and practitioners and practice teachers supervising students under the new Diploma in Social Work programme.


Social service.
Human behavior.
Social work education.

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