Complete MBA companion / IMD International, London Business School, Wharton School [of] the University of Pennsylvania. - London : FT Pitman, 1997 - xi, 678 p. : ill., ports. ; 25 cm

Editor: Geroge Bickerstaffe At head of title: Financial Times Published in association with: IMD International; London Business School; and Wharton School "'Mastering Management' originally appeared as a weekly supplement to the UK edition of 'Financial Times'. This book contains the complete updated text of the whole 20-week series." -- p. x

Includes bibliographical references and index

Accounting; applied statistics; applied microeconomics; business ethics; finance; the future of general management; human resources management; information management; international financial markets; international macroeconomy and competitiveness; introduction to general management; leadership skills; managing across cultures; managing change; managing people and organizations; marketing; organizational behaviour; production and operations management; socio-political context and the business environment; strategic management and implementation.

Based on the successful weekly series in the Financial Times, and loosely based round the standard MBA curriculum, this text includes chapters on: accounting; macroeconomics; human resources management; marketing; organizational behaviour; and an introduction to general management.


Industrial management

HD31 / .M6174 1997