All about techniques in watercolor: An indispensable manual for artists / Parramón Ediciones. Editorial Team. - Hauppauge, N.Y.: Barron's, c1997 - 144 p.: col. ill.; 29 cm

[1.] Materials and tools. Paint -- Paper -- Brushes -- Boards, easels, and cases -- Containers, cups, and palettes -- Other materials and accessories -- [2.] Techniques in watercolor. Stretching paper -- Using the brush -- One color -- Two colors -- Three colors -- Wet and dry -- White -- Tricks of the trade -- The sponge -- Line drawing -- Shadows -- Light -- Atmosphere -- [3.] Watercolor subjects. Skies -- Water -- Vegetation -- Flesh tones -- Animal textures -- Glass -- Metal.

This volume introduces and demonstrates materials, brushwork technique, color theory, and the various kinds of paper available to watercolor artists. The editors include easy to follow visual tutorials and hand painted examples. Step-by-step exercises explain the basic "tricks of the trade" and progress to instruction on creating polished watercolor paintings.


Watercolor Painting---- Technique
Watercolor Paintings

ND1535 / .A45 1997