Smith & Keenan's English law /
Denis Keenan.
- 12th ed.
- London : Financial Times Pitman, 1998.
- xxxvi, 828 p. : tables ; 25 cm. + Bulletin updates
Previous ed.: 1995.
Includes index.
*Preface*Table of Cases*Table of Statutes*Law Report *Abbreviations*PART 1: The English Legal System*The nature and development of English law*The course of law*Other courts and tribunals and legal services*Criminal procedure*Civil procedure*The law-making process *I - the UK Parliament*The law-making process *II - case law and the legislative organs of the European Union*Persons and the Crown*PART 2: The Law of Contract*Making the contract I*Making the contract II*Making the contract III*Reality of consent I*Reality of consent II*Contractual terms*Exclusion clauses and other unfair terms*Illegality and public policy*Discharge of contract*Remedies and limitation of actions*Employment rights*PART 3: The Law of Torts*General principles*Specific torts*PART 4: The Law of Property*The law of property*PART 5: Criminal Law*Criminal law: general principles*Specific offences*Age and responsibility: general defences*PART 6: Cases and Material*Glossary of commonly used legal terms and phrases*Index
This established text takes into account of changes to the law including new statutory provisions and cases. In order to keep users up-to-date with current developments, there is a bulletin service for tutors and lecturers.