Handbook of Accelerator Physics and Engineering /
Accelerator physics and engineering
edited by Alexander Wu Chao, Maury Tigner.
- River Edge, N.J. : World Scientific, 1999.
- xv, 650, xii p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Concerned with the design and operation of modern accelerators including linacs, synchrotrons and storage rings, this text includes both theoretical and practical matters. Chapters on beam dynamics and electromagnetic and nuclear interactions deals with linear and nonlinear single particle and collective effects including spin motion, beam-environment, beam-beam and intrabeam interactions. The impedance concept and calculations are covered along with the instabilities associated with the various interactions mentioned. A chapter on operational considerations deals with orbit error assessment and correction. Chapters on mechanical and electrical considerations present material data and aspects of component design including heat transfer and refrigeration. Hardware systems for particle sources, feedback systems, confinement and acceleration (both normal conduction and superconducting) receive detailed treatment in a subsystems chapter, which also covers beam measurement techniques and apparatus. The closing chapter gives data and methods for radiation protection computations as well as much data on radiation damage to various materials and devices.
9810248148 (electronic bk.) 9810235003
Particle accelerators--Handbooks, manuals, etc. Nuclear physics--Handbooks, manuals, etc.