Foundations in Strategic Management /

Harrison, Jeffrey S.

Foundations in Strategic Management / Jeffery S. Harrison, Caron H. St. John. - 4e [ed.] - Mason, OH : Thomson/South-Western, c2008. - xii, 195 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. The Strategic Management Process. 2. The External Environment. 3. The Internal Environment. 4. Strategic Direction. 5. Business Strategy. 6. Corporate Strategy. 7. Strategy Implementation. 8. Strategic Control and Restructuring. Appendix 1: Preparing a Strategic Analysis.

FOUNDATIONS IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, 4E, embraces recent business changes by now including strategizing in the global arena, the challenges of the increased globalization, and a more dedicated coverage of ethics along with the more traditional teachings. Although much more concise than its competitors, it remains a well-rounded and indispensable source covering the foundations of strategic management.

9780324362268 0324362269


Strategic planning.

HD30.28 / .H3757 2008
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