The C++ Programming Language /

Stroustrup, Bjarne.

The C++ Programming Language / Bjarne Stroustrup. - 3rd ed. - Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, c1997. - x, 910 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes index.

INTRODUCTORY MATERIAL. Notes to the Reader. A Tour of C++. A Tour of the Standard Library. I. BASIC FACILITIES. Types and Declarations. Pointers, Arrays, and Structures. Expressions and Statements. Functions. Namespaces and Exceptions. Source Files and Programs. II. ABSTRACTION MECHANISMS. Classes. Operator Overloading. Derived Classes. Templates. Exception Handling. Class Hierarchies. III. THE STANDARD LIBRARY. Library Organization and Containers. Standard Containers. Algorithms and Function Objects. Iterators and Allocators. Strings. Streams. Numerics. IV. DESIGN USING C++. Development and Design. Design and Programming. Roles of Classes. APPENDICES. The C++ Grammar. Compatibility. Technicalities. 0201889544T04062001

*Written by the inventor of the language, the book is the defining, classic text on the language that has become central to software development over the past five years. This third edition incorporates additions and changes on a major scale. In particular, the new edition is based on the ANSI/ISO C++ final draft with its many new language features - templates, exceptions, namespaces, and run-time type identification, to name a few - in addition to the C++ Standard Template Library that has revolutionized C++ development. *Throughout, the book does far more than merely describe every element of the language. The focus is on showing how the language is used as a tool for design and programming, and teaching the basic concepts programmers need to master C++. With this third edition, Stroustrup has made the book even more accessible to those new to the language while adding information and techniques that even expert C++ programmers will find invaluable.


C++ (Computer program language)

QA76.73 / .C153.S77 1997
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