The Use Of Thermal Mass and Phase Change Material to Reduce a Building's Thermal Load :
Gilbert, Robert B.
The Use Of Thermal Mass and Phase Change Material to Reduce a Building's Thermal Load : Robert B. Gilbert. - Daton, Ohio: University of Daton, c2010 - 125 p.: ill. (charts); 21 cm.
Dissertation submitted to the school of engineering of the university of daton in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the dgree doctor of philosophy in mechanical engineering
Mechanical engineering
Theses 0276
The Use Of Thermal Mass and Phase Change Material to Reduce a Building's Thermal Load : Robert B. Gilbert. - Daton, Ohio: University of Daton, c2010 - 125 p.: ill. (charts); 21 cm.
Dissertation submitted to the school of engineering of the university of daton in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the dgree doctor of philosophy in mechanical engineering
Mechanical engineering
Theses 0276