Oracle Workgroup Server Handbook /

Cox, Thomas B.

Oracle Workgroup Server Handbook / Thomas B. Cox. - Berkeley : Osborne McGraw-Hill, c1995. - xxii, 287 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

At head of title: Oracle Press.

CONTENTS: Part I - What is a Database: Introduction. Definition of Terms. Architecture of Database Management Systems and of Oracle Workgroup Server. Creating a Table,. Designing Tables. Client-server and Use of Various Front End Tools. Part 2 - Queries: Queries and SQL. Joins. Views. Other Aspects of Querying. Part 3 Security: Schemas and Users. Permission and Grants. Roles. Auditing. Tips for the DBA on Managing Security. Part 4-Declarations, Stored Procedures, Triggers, and Packages. Part 5 Network Access and Issues. Part 6 - Administering a Production Database: Tuning, Indexing. Space and File Management. Table management.

The oracle Workgroup Server is an SQL engine that both operates as a database management system and supports a variety of Windows software and programming languages. This handbook aims to help the reader to take full advantage of this new product.


Relational databases.

QA76.9.D3 / C74 1995
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